5 Affects of Migraine on your health:
Migraine is a neurological problem in which a person suffers from intense, debilitating headaches. Mostly, migraine occurs only on the one side of the head and there is a throbbing pain at migraine attack.
If not treated, then migraine can really affect your body in an adverse manner such as:
- Stroke:
Generally, women can face the problem which is most likely to get migraines with aura. During this, a part of the brain doesn’t get blood supply. If the person smokes, or have high B.P problems, then the chances of stroke increases.
2. Heart Disease:
Risks of heart diseases such as angina, heart attack, cardiac arrest etc. increases if you are suffering from migraines and vice versa.
3. Hypertension:
High blood pressure is also amongst the common symptoms among those persons who are suffering from migraines.
4. Epilepsy:
Epilepsy is a condition in which the person got seizures. In the case of migraines, the chances of epilepsy got to increase and vice versa, as both conditions are caused by almost a similar problem in the brain, sensitivity of neurons.
5. Insomnia:
Sleeping problems such as insomnia is a frequent problem among migraine patients. It leads to anxiety, depression, linked with migraine.
If you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned symptoms. You should immediately consult a neurologist. You can consult Dr Vikram Bohra, the best neurologist in Jaipur, at Jaipur Neuro, to get the best migraine treatment in Jaipur.