Can You Fully Recover From A Brain Hemorrhage?

Jaipur Neuro
3 min readMay 27, 2020


Brain hemorrhage is a medical emergency condition caused due to bleeding in your brain. It is also referred to as intracranial hemorrhage or brain bleed. Without prompt treatment, the condition can result in the death of the affected person. So you need to consider the problem as a medical emergency and get immediate treatment.

What Is Brain Hemorrhage?

Before learning about the survival and recovery rates, you need to understand what exactly the condition is. The skull surrounds your brain and protects it. But, you can suffer from leaking of blood due to the tangling of blood vessels, the condition known as AVM (arteriovenous malformation), cerebral aneurysms, bleeding disorders, head injury, smoking, recreational drug use or the use of blood thinners.

Due to the blood leaking, the skull compresses the brain, resulting in damage to the brain tissue. Due to the severe compression caused due to excessive bleeding, your brain cannot receive oxygen-rich blood. The lack of flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain tissue can cause severe problems like swelling (cerebral edema).

Due to the blood pooling, you can develop a mass known as a hematoma. The mass puts extra pressure on your brain, preventing the oxygen from reaching the brain cells. So, it causes the brain cells and tissue to die, leading to the death of the affected patient.

Recovery From Brain Hemorrhage

Brain hemorrhages can have deadly consequences. While most patients who have experienced brain hemorrhage survive, it can cause damage to the brain. Since the condition occurs due to bursting an artery in the brain, the severity of the condition determines your survival. Bleeding in the sensitive areas of the brain or large initial bleeding can increase your risk.

The size of the hemorrhage, the amount of selling you suffer in the skill, and the time taken to control the bleeding also affect the survival and damage rate. But, the latest innovations and use of sophisticated technology in the medical field have allowed doctors to treat patients suffering from brain hemorrhage effectively.

It has drastically reduced the long-term or permanent issues. Using such innovative technologies, surgeons can now access deep regions of the brain where the bleeding begins. The use of sophisticated medical tools allows surgical removal or evacuation of a clot within a few hours.

Importance Of Early Intervention

With early medical intervention, the chances of survival with no or minimal complications increases. But, the recovery after intracranial hemorrhage is slow and may take many months. You need to undergo extensive rehabilitation programs for better results. With the rehabilitation efforts, you can regain your physical functions.

You need to undergo the following for better results: Physical therapy by a physical therapist Occupational therapy by an occupational therapist Speech therapy by a speech therapist The professionals will help you learn to work around the new disability and regain your strength.

You have to stay in the hospital and follow it by a period of rehabilitation for intensive therapy. Patients recovering from brain bleed can recover their physical strength and speech with an early rehabilitation program. However, some people can experience headaches, persistent weakness, seizures, sensory problems, or memory problems.



Jaipur Neuro
Jaipur Neuro

Written by Jaipur Neuro

Neurologist & Interventional Neurologist. Dr Vikram Bohra is among very few of the interventional neurologists in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

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