How do I relieve a headache?

Jaipur Neuro
3 min readAug 22, 2020


Headache is one of the common problems everyone is facing these days. For the same People look forward to some home remedies that will help them to get rid of it easily. But sometimes the problem arises when they are not able to get rid of it at all. If you are also looking forward to the tips that will help you in getting rid of a headache, then you are on the right page. Dig this article to the last so that you will have the best tips available when you wish to get relief from headache.

Tips to consider:-

  • Practice relaxation:

If you know how you can engage in relaxation, including Yoga, meditation and others will help you in getting rid of it easily. You need to understand the therapy, which will help you in getting rid of it easily. If you feel like that not even a single stretching or relaxing exercise is not working in your favor, then approach the physician and ask them about it.

  • Have some caffeine:

Apart from all the tips available, tea or coffee, and other drinks having caffeine available are the right ones for you to choose whenever you wish to get rid of head pain. It will counter the pain reliever and help you in working better. It is a suggestion that does not go for a very high quantity of caffeine at all.

  • Try Massage:

Massage is always the best to consider whenever you wish to get rid of the pain you are facing. Try to massage your neck and head for a few minutes, and it will help you in getting rid of it easily. Just make sure you are doing it with a light hand, and after a few minutes, you will be able to feel relaxed.

  • Use of heating pad:

People use a heating pad when they are having stress because of tensions. Place it on your head and neck so that it will provide you enough relief. If you go for a warm bath, this will also act as a boon for you.

  • Lightning in the surroundings:

If you are in an ambiance where the lightning is very high, then skip from that place. Dim the lights in the surroundings so that your eyes will be able to feel relief. Cover the windows with dark curtains so that unnecessary light will not enter your room.

  • Medicines:

If you feel like not even a single thing is working in your favor then go for medication. Paracetamol will definitely work in your favor. Make sure you are taking a mild one so that you are not feeling sleepy all the time.

  • Grab asleep:

Asleep will definitely help you in getting rid of it to stop it is a suggestion that tries to Grab a peaceful sleep in our surroundings where no nuisance is there. In case the news is there and then you will not be able to feel comfortable and the headache will strike you more.

  • Sit for a while in peaceful surroundings:

When you are feeling constant headache suggestion that moves towards peaceful surroundings and stayed there for a while. You can go to a park or you can go to the terrace where no one can disturb you in any case. Watch out nature and analyze the things going on around. This will not only provide you relief from headache but inner peace also is there for you.

These are the basic tips which you can consider whenever you wish to get rid of the headache. Get the best consultation and better treatment with the Neurologist in India. It is a suggestion that do not compromise with anything whenever you are feeling so. If the headache is hitting you hard and you are having it regularly then go for a consultation immediately.



Jaipur Neuro
Jaipur Neuro

Written by Jaipur Neuro

Neurologist & Interventional Neurologist. Dr Vikram Bohra is among very few of the interventional neurologists in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

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