Myths and Fact about Multiple Sclerosis

Jaipur Neuro
3 min readMar 31, 2020


Sclerosis or Multiple Sclerosis is a persistent, incendiary condition of the (CNS) central nervous system, which includes the spinal cord and the brain. In this ailment elements of the immune system infiltrate the covering known as the myelin sheath of the nerve tissues of the CNS, transmitting wounds on the sheath hence disrupting or totally obstructing nervous electrical shocks.

Multiple Sclerosis is diagnosed by Lumbar puncture (spinal tap), Blood tests, Evoked potential tests and MRI. However, there are many Myths and Fact revolving around this Multiple Sclerosis. Let’s get some myths busted:

Here are 7 myths that people often think when thinking about this health condition

Myth: Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis end in wheelchairs:

Facts: This is not entirely true. Although some people might require the help of a crutch or wheelchair, however, they do not undergo complete physical collapse which would need them to permanently resort to wheelchairs.

Myth: Multiple Sclerosis occurs majorly among old people:

Fact: on the contrary, it is really most prevalent in younger individuals aged between 20- 50. Although it can strike individuals of any age, be it a child or an elderly person or even 60.

Myth: Women with Multiple Sclerosis should not get pregnant as it is not safe:

Facts: According to research and studies, the condition has no influence on your possibilities of becoming pregnant or having difficulties while pregnancy and the baby’s health are not impacted as well. Pregnancy has no long-term repercussions on the way Multiple Sclerosis influences your health. However, before you try to become pregnant do talk to your physician intimating about the condition. You may require some extra attention and adjustments to your medicines.

Myth: Yoga or physical activity isn’t secure if you have Multiple Sclerosis:

Facts: The fact is being active is necessary if you have MS. It can assist with signs, increase health and stability, and reduce your risks of other health difficulties. Communicate with a physical therapist to get up with a safe system.

Myth: Stress is critical for somebody with Multiple Sclerosis:

Facts: Getting stressed out isn’t a great thing for anyone. But there’s no firm proof that common, daily pressure is dangerous for somebody with sclerosis.

Myth: Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis are unable to work:

Facts: Don’t leap to the end you require to leave your work just because of this condition. Certainly, some individuals with the condition ultimately choose to make work shifts. However many individuals don’t, and they proceed to work and even continue.

Myth: Multiple Sclerosis is dangerous and fatal:

Facts: Nowadays due to an advanced treatment guideline, improved healthcare technology and lifestyle changes, the life expectancy of the Multiple Sclerosis affected patient has increased. Multiple Sclerosis may be a permanent health status, however, it’s not a fatal one.

As mentioned earlier, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis. So the actual goal is to manage the disease by slowing down the progression. The possible approach to management can be proper Medication and supported therapies. Get effective medication of multiple sclerosis to consult with Neurologist in Jaipur.



Jaipur Neuro
Jaipur Neuro

Written by Jaipur Neuro

Neurologist & Interventional Neurologist. Dr Vikram Bohra is among very few of the interventional neurologists in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

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