What causes brain stroke?

Jaipur Neuro
2 min readMar 26, 2021

A brain stroke usually occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is interrupted. It prevents brain tissue from getting oxygen and other nutrients and thus brain cells start dying within minutes only.

A brain stroke comes under the category of a medical emergency. If any individual experience brain stroke at any point in the day, experts suggest him/her visit the doctor and get the best stroke treatment in Jaipur, India. This is because it demands rapid treatment as early diagnosis and treatment can help a person to reduce brain damage and other complications.


There exist some common signs and symptoms of brain stroke. Just have a look:


If someone is experiencing trouble while speaking and understanding what others are saying, these are the signs of brain stroke. Furthermore, it may make a person feel difficulty in understanding their speech.


When a person feels numbness or paralysis of the face, leg, or arm, it can be due to brain stroke. It generally affects one side of the body. It can be clarified by pulling your arms over your head at the same time. If your one arm falls, you may be having a brain stroke. Also, you may feel difficulty while smiling.

Blurred or blackened vision

A person with brain stroke may also face problems while seeing. It can be in one or both eyes. It can let a person suddenly feel blurred or blackened vision. Apart from this, a person may start seeing double also.


A severe headache along with dizziness, vomiting, and random consciousness are some other symptoms of brain stroke.

Trouble while walking

The person may also lose balance while walking. If you are experiencing stumbling or loss of coordination, you need to consult your doctor as you might have an attack or brain stroke.

Final words

If you notice any of the signs and symptoms of brain stroke, you must visit your doctor without even thinking for a second. This is because early diagnosis and effective treatment can help you to eliminate the situation from getting worsened. If you see any of the signs of brain stroke in your friend or relative, ask them to do the below-mentioned activities:

  • Request the person to smile. Check whether one side of the mouth droop when he tries to smile?
  • Ask the person to raise both hands over the head. Checked if one arm falls or is he unable to raise it?
  • Request the person to walk. Check whether he can make coordination or not? Also, check whether he stumbles or losing balance?
  • Question the person about his vision. Ask whether he is facing blurred or blackened vision or double vision.
  • Ask him to speak a particular phrase repeatedly. Check whether he can speak clearly or his speech slurs?

In conclusion, a brain stroke can be diagnosed easily but demands quick action. Do not show carelessness if you or your friend experience any of the signs and symptoms of the stroke.



Jaipur Neuro

Neurologist & Interventional Neurologist. Dr Vikram Bohra is among very few of the interventional neurologists in Jaipur, Rajasthan.